Microsoft SQL Server database repair tool helps to fix many errors in SQL Server databases, for example:
- Corruption on data pages
- Metadata corruption Error
- SQL Server Page Level Corruption
- SQL Server Table Corruption Error
- Database consistency errors reported by DBCC CHECKB
- The header for file xxx.mdf is not a valid database file header.
- File Appears To Have Been Truncated By The Operating System.
- The FILE SIZE property is incorrect. (Micosoft SQL Server, Error:5172)
- The Index Allocation Map (IAM) Page is Pointed to by the Next Pointer of IAM Page.
- I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x###### in file FileName.mdf.
- During Redoing Of A Logged Operation In Database DatabaseName, An Error Occurred At Log Record Id.
- Sql Server Detected A Logical Consistency-Based I/O Error: Incorrect Checksum. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error:824)