How it Works?
- Step.1
Download software from website.
- Step.2
Start Install software:
- Press on downloaded installation file in browser
- Select a downloaded installation file in Windows Explorer and press Enter or double click on it.
- Step.3
Please confirm warning message.
- Step.4
Run installation wizard.
- Step.5
Run program:
- Double click on icon on desktop
- or
- Select from main menu: Start | Programs | PDF Repair Toolbox | PDF Repair Toolbox.
- Step.6
Please select or enter the file name to recover
- Step.7
Press Next button
- Step.8
Please confirm start recovery
- Step.9
Program will read and analyze a damaged file a several minutes
- Step.10
Please select output file name
- Step.11
Please select output PDF file version
- Step.12
Press Save file button
- Step.13
On the last page, you will find a detailed log of the recovery process.