With Exchange Server Repair Toolbox you can fix next errors:
- All types of "Jet Engine Error"
- All types of "Read Verification Error"
- Jet error- 4294966781
- Dirty Shutdown
- Inconsistent file state
- Write errors
- Deleted mail boxes
- Corrupted header information
- Duplicate Keys (Identifiers)
- "JET_errRecordNotFound, the key was not found" ,"Jet_errRecordDeleted".
- Information Store Suddenly Stops and Generates the Server Specific Error "4294966781"
- Server Specific Error 4294966781 equates to JET_errInvalidLogSequence. The log files are out of sequence.
- Exchange Server Error Code 528
- Error -528 initializing the Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store database.
- Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
- Exchange Server Error 550.
- 614. All future database updates will be rejected.
- Information Store (3420) Unable to rollback operation #65678740 on database C:\EXCHSRVR\mdbdata\priv1.edb.
- "JET_errKeyDuplicate Illegal duplicate key"
- "JET_errReadVerifyFailure Read verification error 4294966278"
- "JET_errRecordNotFound, the key was not found”, “Jet_errRecordDeleted”.Server Specific Error 4294966781 equates to JET_errInvalidLogSequence. The log files are out of sequence.
- 614. All future database updates will be rejected. Information Store (3420) Unable to rollback operation.
- Corrupted or damaged EDB headers
- JET_errDatabaseStreamingFileMismatch -540
- Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.
- Exchange dirty shutdown state
- Sever Specific Error 4294966278 (JET_errReadVerifyFailure)
- The MS Exchange Server Information Store fails to start.
- The Information Store does not respond when the usage of CPU is 100%.
- The clients are not able to send or receive emails and the same problem continues after stopping or restarting the Information Store.
- Information Store cannot be stopped.
- When administrator tries to use offline backup to Exchange databases, and then runs Isinteg (Information Store Integrity) utility, the following message occurs: “Error 4294966746: JET_errDatabaseInconsistent”