How it Works?

  1. Step.1

    Download software from website.


  2. Step.2

    Start Install software:

    1. Press on downloaded installation file in browser
    2. Select a downloaded installation file in Windows Explorer and press Enter or double click on it.
  3. Step.3

    Please confirm warning message.

    open file

  4. Step.4

    Run installation wizard.

  5. Step.5

    Run program:

    1. Double click on icon on desktop
    2. or
    3. Select from main menu: Start | Programs | Excel Repair Toolbox | Excel Repair Toolbox.

    start excel

  6. Step.6

    Please select a damaged Microsoft Excel file on first page of repair wizard in Excel Repair Toolbox:

    select file

  7. Step.7

    Press Analyze button:


  8. Step.8

    Please confirm a start of recovery process:


  9. Step.9

    Program will read and analyze a damaged file a several minutes. Later you can see a grid with a recovered cell from Excel file. Please press the Start recovery button to export a recovered data into new Microsoft Excel file or new Microsoft Excel workbook directly.

    start recovery

  10. Step.10

    On the last page, you will find a detailed log of the recovery process:
